Hello everyone, thank you for allow me to comment about Hotei, its objectives, expectations and projection to the future. Hotei Energy B.V. arises under the premise “a means, for an end”, with this, we want to demonstrate that through the universe of cryptocurrencies, it is possible to generate a transparent, reliable, real, technological and profitable business for everyone. We want to merge, in a robust proposal, the two most profitable businesses on the planet, the energy business with the cryptocurrency business, John Rockefeller, the richest man of the past century said “The best business in the world is the oil business” We want to offer not only the possibility that anyone around the world can invest in it, but also, we want to optimize, develop and scale the operations and management of the energy sector to another level through financing through cryptocurrencies, we want offer our investors and our clients a powerful tool that allows them to see the profitability of their business in real time, have a key role in the expansion and indebtedness decisions of the company, as well as the possibility of being able to monitor the performance of all the businesses and teams associated with Hotei Energy BV this without a doubt is something unprecedented in history and in our present day.
Can you give us a brief introduction to you? What is your story, dating back as far as you wish?
Of course, my name is Manuel Orellana, I am a Petroleum Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the Oil & Gas sector, my professional career began in field operations in drilling equipment and workover operations in Venezuela, later, I developed As a reservoir engineer for the state oil company of Venezuela, there I was able to develop my professional career, preparing just over 3400 drilling and workover proposals for oil and gas fields in the famous Orinoco Oil Belt, in turn, I was able to develop as Interdisciplinary Integrative Engineer, since I took advantage of knowing a little about each discipline related to the world of reservoirs, which led me to be the administrator of the most important area of the oil belt, being able to develop in it different improvements and theories for precision In the calculations of productivity indices of oil wells, this is directly related not only to the technical, scientific and operational aspects of an oil project, but is also implicitly related to the profitability and economic projection of each and every one of the oil and gas well drilling projects, thanks to this experience I was able to develop 3 mathematical models that help mitigate the uncertainties associated with productivity calculations and with which they can choose as a doctoral thesis at any university in the world, later I worked as an international consultant for oil projects freelancer for the consulting firm GuidePoint, I served as Strategical Project Manager and General Manager For a service company located in Argentina, where my main role was to optimize processes and create automated tools for the control, management and satisfaction of operations, it was in the project to generate an idea very similar to Hotei but on a smaller scale for Argentina and finally, I decided in the end to join again to the technical staff of the Argentine state oil company YPF as a real-time operations monitoring engineer where he discovered the WITSML standard.
I believe that all my previous experience, the positions that I held and the functions that I developed were what allow me today to have a knowledge and understanding to be able to develop Hotei Energy in depth, our three lines of action are Energies, Automation and Technology without my experience Previously, I don’t think I could have conceived this idea.
Could you please give us a rundown of the most important things about the HoteiEnergy?
REAL EARNINGS: Hotei Energy offers its investors the possibility of obtaining real and legal profits, actively by exchanging their participation shares in real time and passively by keeping the balance of their share tokens, these profits will come from the global billing of services offered by the company around the world, guaranteeing equivalent payments in fiat currency but withdrawable through cryptocurrencies.
LEGALITY: we are legally registered in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg, we have an international trademark registration, which is at the level of the main companies and brands in the world, it is verifiable through https://www.boip .int/ en in the “Trademarks / Search Trademarks” section, just by typing in that search engine “hotei energy” you can even get the activities related to our company, something totally unprecedented. Additionally, our registry is protected under the jurisdiction of the international criminal court of The Hague, so any precautionary measure against me in case of any legal disagreement would be appropriate, in addition to investing in our platform we offer users A digital purchase certificate that works as a guarantee of your investment, is signed by me, and represents the tangible value of the asset acquired, with this document anyone can claim in any court for their investment since it has my sole proprietorship.
TRANSPARENCY: to us it is essential that all financial movements are seen by our users, therefore, during the pre-sale phase of the token, anyone who has an account on our platform can observe the growth of the capital collected in real time, this money is instantly protected in USD, because we are not interested in holding, trading or any activity associated at the moment with cryptocurrencies that could compromise Hotei’s assets, for us, the goal is clear, as I said before, we are only Looking through cryptocurrencies, obtain financing that allows us to build this business for anyone who decides to invest in a real and stable business over time, for which we are not assuming the risk inherent to the volatility of cryptocurrencies.
LEGALITY OF ORIGIN: we are totally separated from illegal activities such as (scam, terrorism, corruption, drug trafficking; regularly we will not only publish, but also share with the authorities our account statements and sources of funds, in order to convey security, legitimacy and transparency in the origin of our operations and of our capital.
OPERATION: we will create an auditing and operational management tool based on blockchain, in order to offer detail, control and administration of our operations, as well as the financial management of this multinational, this tool will integrate the real-time transmission standards used in the energy industry today.
COMMITMENT: we have the strong conviction that we will be able to exceed all the expectations and goals initially set, because we are fully motivated to achieve.
COMMUNICATION: we are in constant communication with our investors and clients through the different digital platforms through our official accounts.
NO REFERRALS: We do not create, promote or use any type of ponzi or pyramid scheme.
So going forth into 2021 and beyond, how will HoteiEnergy make an impact in the crypto space, or on the world?
I think that the most important impact of Hotei would have in the future is that we provides stability in an oscillating ecosystem. The crypto world is not stable and it is a fairly oscillating ecosystem, today you have some coins at a value and tomorrow you do not know if that value will remain, decrease or increase. There is no predictable means of estimating profits, neither mining, nor staking (it is not allowed to obtain any other currency you want), nor holding, nor trading, due to the high volatility that each and every one of them represents. These means, under none of the current schemes is it possible to invest and obtain a stable withdrawable and / or manageable yield in any other cryptocurrency.
Hotei Energy, unlike other 100% digital ones, offers to combine profitable and not so variable and oscillating returns of the real world, with the speed, transparency and security of the crypto world, of course these returns that our beneficiaries will obtain will be verifiable and verifiable by anyone anonymously, we are the project with the highest level of transparency in the market and we want to maintain ourselves at that level to continue earning the trust of our users.
As an energy company, we want to promote the acceleration towards the migration to renewable energies, that is why as an innovative plan with a high impact on society we want to develop technologies and tools that allow people to generate energy independently through The teams that hotei will create and offer them through them, the possibility of generating returns while they buy and use our equipment, this of course is designed to be through their own blockchain and that these rewards are obtained through their own currency of this blockchain, which we would like to publish on the Ethereum or binance network, but it is something that we will report in the medium term, without a doubt this idea will have a positive impact on our world, accelerating the migration towards renewable energies.
The subsidiary Hotei Energy Bank is designed to develop the necessary strategies for what we have described above, which focus on two lines of action:
Now, could you tell us about your accomplishments so far, and in the history of the HoteiEnergy, please tell us what you are most proud of.
We are proud to have conceived such a fantastic idea, we are proud of the level of transparency we offer and all the good that is going to come from here for our global society, we are very happy to be a registered trademark with international copyrights and to come. to transform and positively impact the market and the crypto world, I think that is what we have achieved and that is what will continue to give us the necessary momentum to continue moving forward.
Why did you get involved in the cryptocurrency industry, and where do you think the industry will be in 5–10 years?
At first like everyone else, I got involved in it as an amateur explorer to look for extra income outside of my regular job, it did not go well at first, because I naively believed that those grotesque returns that they offered were true, I think that at some point we all has happened, ignorance mixed with technology, served so that many unscrupulous people could get hold of the goodwill and money of other people who initially invested large sums of money in the crypto world, we come to fight with it, but for course generating trust and offering an unprecedented level of transparency and security.
I see in cryptocurrencies an immense opportunity to grow, to diversify and to scale the economy and the market to another level, I believe that in 5 years from now we will remember the bills and coins as we see today on vinyl records, or in museums of countries, I faithfully believe that the digital age is here to stay.
Now, give us a quick rundown of the future of HoteiEnergy. For example, what new things are you seeking to bring to life and what will it mean for the overall project?
Hotei in the future has many things to develop and all, absolutely all, are intended to serve as a source for energy development and for the economic growth of people who decide to invest in us within the medium and long-term projects that we have in Hotei are the creation of the subsidiaries:
Tell us about your team. Who’re the people behind the screens?
My work team is made up of people with high performance and work experience, each with more than 10 years of experience in the hydrocarbons and energy sector, all graduated engineers with multidisciplinary professional experience in finance, petroleum, geology. , geophysics, petrophysics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, etc. Then I will leave their names and their position to occupy:
Directory Board
Global business managers:
Regional managers:
Which partnerships have HoteiEnergy engaged so far, and which ones are the most impactful?
Until now, we plan to make different partnerships with top-level energy operating companies, among our target clients are: ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhilips, Total, Eni, Equinor, Marathon Oil, Repsol, Wintershall, Saudi Aramco, Qatar Petroleum Company, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ONGC, TATA Pedrodyn Limited, CNPC, JAPEX, Ecopetrol, Pan American Energy, Pluspetrol, Petroecuador among others.
In the crypto world we want to work with Binance, in parallel we have had communication with the PixelPlex team and we want to have an important presence in some of the most important exchanges in the world such as Kraken, Poloniex, YoBit among others.
On a more technical side of things, please give us a rundown of your HES stock token.
Our Hotei Energy Share Token is an asset that is part of Hotei Energy B.V. We have to adapt the current infrastructure of cryptoactives to convert our token to a cryptotoken, we could call it a Fungible Token and be able to give it the operation we expect; Users by having these share tokens are automatically beneficiaries of a percentage of profit sharing for the company’s billing, in this sense, we are guaranteeing a person who complies with our KYC that he will obtain real returns equivalent to USD but withdrawable at the moment in Cryptos, these earnings are dependent on the global billing of our company, so although we want users to have free management of it, but its reference value is stipulated according to the reality of the company , This is something that we are studying with our specialists for its implementation and public offer with our different exchanges, since it is essential that the people who enter our market meet certain validation characteristics, we remember that all our capital will be declared to the competent authorities and this is a binding process for Hotei Energy BV for the serious character and commitment we have with our beneficiaries and the world.
The calculations associated with the percentage of participation and consequently the calculation of benefits is related to the following equation:
To calculate the net value to be received for benefits, it is referred to the following equation:
The digital value of Hotei Energy as a company is anchored to the value of the HES share, however this value is expected to regulate itself with the free supply and demand of the market.
If people would like to follow HoteiEnergy on social media, visit your website, or read your important documents like your whitepaper, what links should they visit? Please list them below.
Our website:
Our Youtube Channel:
Our Profile on Facebook
Our Profile on Instagram
Our Profile on Twitter
Updates Telegram channel
Telegram discussion group in English
Direct chat with the CEO — Telegram
Thank you so much for your time! Do you have anything to add before we finish?
We are a project, which is selling a participation share under the figure of a share token, which has the behavior of a company stock or a company share, the difference is that, we seek financing through the cryptocurrency market, with it We are offering any user of the network that approves their KYC and the conditions that are detailed on the page, to invest with us in a range of USD 25 to 9,999.00, this to comply with the financial regulations of the state treasury department. United and the court of financial auditors of the European Union, since all the movements that we make will be declaring to the corresponding authorities, this so that Hotei is not directly or indirectly related to suspicious activities or terrorist financing.
This project has visible faces, something that is unprecedented in crypto, the difference between us and other proposals is that here we are not deceiving or manipulating any of the people, we are showing ourselves publicly and all our profiles with information are open With respect to our professional expertise, we are letting you know that you are investing in a project directed by senior specialists in this area of knowledge, we are not amateurs, nor are we trying our luck, we know that, how, when and where we are going to do things and particularly, this your servant, is assuming the civil and penal responsibility of every penny that enters our coffers.
At this precise moment there are people who have lost more than 234 million dollars due to scams and robberies in the bitcoin network due to fraudulent proposals, I do not say that, that can be obtained in any forum where the subject is discussed, in the crypto world they sell The idea of smart contracts, which pay profits of 40,000.00% for example, super high returns, payments for referrals, payments for other types of schemes that only benefit the first people who invested during the first time and harm the rest, Hotei Energy is a means to an end and with your contribution, I assure you that we will demonstrate that it is possible to conduct transparent business through this medium and that we will exceed the expectations initially raised.
Hotei offers two earning possibilities:
Active: for the purchase / sale of tokens at the value of the HES of the day, which will surely be well above 1 USD.
Passive: for the distribution of income generated by the global billing generated by the services provided by Hotei, this by simply keeping your HES.
In the end, you choose the option that best suits your expectations, in any scenario, we guarantee the success and stability of our project. Thanks.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a source of investment, financial, technical, tax, or legal advice. All of this content is for informational purposes only. Readers should do their own research. The Capital is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information mentioned in this article.