Blog Post

Interview with Manuel Orellana, CEO and Chairman of HoteiEnergy

Press Release • May 25, 2021

Hello everyone, thank you for allow me to comment about Hotei, its objectives, expectations and projection to the future. Hotei Energy B.V. arises under the premise “a means, for an end”, with this, we want to demonstrate that through the universe of cryptocurrencies, it is possible to generate a transparent, reliable, real, technological and profitable business for everyone. We want to merge, in a robust proposal, the two most profitable businesses on the planet, the energy business with the cryptocurrency business, John Rockefeller, the richest man of the past century said “The best business in the world is the oil business” We want to offer not only the possibility that anyone around the world can invest in it, but also, we want to optimize, develop and scale the operations and management of the energy sector to another level through financing through cryptocurrencies, we want offer our investors and our clients a powerful tool that allows them to see the profitability of their business in real time, have a key role in the expansion and indebtedness decisions of the company, as well as the possibility of being able to monitor the performance of all the businesses and teams associated with Hotei Energy BV this without a doubt is something unprecedented in history and in our present day.

Can you give us a brief introduction to you? What is your story, dating back as far as you wish?

Of course, my name is Manuel Orellana, I am a Petroleum Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the Oil & Gas sector, my professional career began in field operations in drilling equipment and workover operations in Venezuela, later, I developed As a reservoir engineer for the state oil company of Venezuela, there I was able to develop my professional career, preparing just over 3400 drilling and workover proposals for oil and gas fields in the famous Orinoco Oil Belt, in turn, I was able to develop as Interdisciplinary Integrative Engineer, since I took advantage of knowing a little about each discipline related to the world of reservoirs, which led me to be the administrator of the most important area of ​​the oil belt, being able to develop in it different improvements and theories for precision In the calculations of productivity indices of oil wells, this is directly related not only to the technical, scientific and operational aspects of an oil project, but is also implicitly related to the profitability and economic projection of each and every one of the oil and gas well drilling projects, thanks to this experience I was able to develop 3 mathematical models that help mitigate the uncertainties associated with productivity calculations and with which they can choose as a doctoral thesis at any university in the world, later I worked as an international consultant for oil projects freelancer for the consulting firm GuidePoint, I served as Strategical Project Manager and General Manager For a service company located in Argentina, where my main role was to optimize processes and create automated tools for the control, management and satisfaction of operations, it was in the project to generate an idea very similar to Hotei but on a smaller scale for Argentina and finally, I decided in the end to join again to the technical staff of the Argentine state oil company YPF as a real-time operations monitoring engineer where he discovered the WITSML standard.

I believe that all my previous experience, the positions that I held and the functions that I developed were what allow me today to have a knowledge and understanding to be able to develop Hotei Energy in depth, our three lines of action are Energies, Automation and Technology without my experience Previously, I don’t think I could have conceived this idea.

Could you please give us a rundown of the most important things about the HoteiEnergy?

REAL EARNINGS: Hotei Energy offers its investors the possibility of obtaining real and legal profits, actively by exchanging their participation shares in real time and passively by keeping the balance of their share tokens, these profits will come from the global billing of services offered by the company around the world, guaranteeing equivalent payments in fiat currency but withdrawable through cryptocurrencies.

LEGALITY: we are legally registered in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg, we have an international trademark registration, which is at the level of the main companies and brands in the world, it is verifiable through https://www.boip .int/ en in the “Trademarks / Search Trademarks” section, just by typing in that search engine “hotei energy” you can even get the activities related to our company, something totally unprecedented. Additionally, our registry is protected under the jurisdiction of the international criminal court of The Hague, so any precautionary measure against me in case of any legal disagreement would be appropriate, in addition to investing in our platform we offer users A digital purchase certificate that works as a guarantee of your investment, is signed by me, and represents the tangible value of the asset acquired, with this document anyone can claim in any court for their investment since it has my sole proprietorship.

TRANSPARENCY: to us it is essential that all financial movements are seen by our users, therefore, during the pre-sale phase of the token, anyone who has an account on our platform can observe the growth of the capital collected in real time, this money is instantly protected in USD, because we are not interested in holding, trading or any activity associated at the moment with cryptocurrencies that could compromise Hotei’s assets, for us, the goal is clear, as I said before, we are only Looking through cryptocurrencies, obtain financing that allows us to build this business for anyone who decides to invest in a real and stable business over time, for which we are not assuming the risk inherent to the volatility of cryptocurrencies.

LEGALITY OF ORIGIN: we are totally separated from illegal activities such as (scam, terrorism, corruption, drug trafficking; regularly we will not only publish, but also share with the authorities our account statements and sources of funds, in order to convey security, legitimacy and transparency in the origin of our operations and of our capital.

OPERATION: we will create an auditing and operational management tool based on blockchain, in order to offer detail, control and administration of our operations, as well as the financial management of this multinational, this tool will integrate the real-time transmission standards used in the energy industry today.

COMMITMENT: we have the strong conviction that we will be able to exceed all the expectations and goals initially set, because we are fully motivated to achieve.

COMMUNICATION: we are in constant communication with our investors and clients through the different digital platforms through our official accounts.

NO REFERRALS: We do not create, promote or use any type of ponzi or pyramid scheme.

So going forth into 2021 and beyond, how will HoteiEnergy make an impact in the crypto space, or on the world?

I think that the most important impact of Hotei would have in the future is that we provides stability in an oscillating ecosystem. The crypto world is not stable and it is a fairly oscillating ecosystem, today you have some coins at a value and tomorrow you do not know if that value will remain, decrease or increase. There is no predictable means of estimating profits, neither mining, nor staking (it is not allowed to obtain any other currency you want), nor holding, nor trading, due to the high volatility that each and every one of them represents. These means, under none of the current schemes is it possible to invest and obtain a stable withdrawable and / or manageable yield in any other cryptocurrency.

Hotei Energy, unlike other 100% digital ones, offers to combine profitable and not so variable and oscillating returns of the real world, with the speed, transparency and security of the crypto world, of course these returns that our beneficiaries will obtain will be verifiable and verifiable by anyone anonymously, we are the project with the highest level of transparency in the market and we want to maintain ourselves at that level to continue earning the trust of our users.

As an energy company, we want to promote the acceleration towards the migration to renewable energies, that is why as an innovative plan with a high impact on society we want to develop technologies and tools that allow people to generate energy independently through The teams that hotei will create and offer them through them, the possibility of generating returns while they buy and use our equipment, this of course is designed to be through their own blockchain and that these rewards are obtained through their own currency of this blockchain, which we would like to publish on the Ethereum or binance network, but it is something that we will report in the medium term, without a doubt this idea will have a positive impact on our world, accelerating the migration towards renewable energies.

The subsidiary Hotei Energy Bank is designed to develop the necessary strategies for what we have described above, which focus on two lines of action:

  • Hotei Energy Share Token: Crypto Stock Company which is for sale.
  • HES blockchain / HES coin: future strategy that will serve as an instrument for what we have already proposed.
Now, could you tell us about your accomplishments so far, and in the history of the HoteiEnergy, please tell us what you are most proud of.

We are proud to have conceived such a fantastic idea, we are proud of the level of transparency we offer and all the good that is going to come from here for our global society, we are very happy to be a registered trademark with international copyrights and to come. to transform and positively impact the market and the crypto world, I think that is what we have achieved and that is what will continue to give us the necessary momentum to continue moving forward.

Why did you get involved in the cryptocurrency industry, and where do you think the industry will be in 5–10 years?

At first like everyone else, I got involved in it as an amateur explorer to look for extra income outside of my regular job, it did not go well at first, because I naively believed that those grotesque returns that they offered were true, I think that at some point we all has happened, ignorance mixed with technology, served so that many unscrupulous people could get hold of the goodwill and money of other people who initially invested large sums of money in the crypto world, we come to fight with it, but for course generating trust and offering an unprecedented level of transparency and security.

I see in cryptocurrencies an immense opportunity to grow, to diversify and to scale the economy and the market to another level, I believe that in 5 years from now we will remember the bills and coins as we see today on vinyl records, or in museums of countries, I faithfully believe that the digital age is here to stay.

Now, give us a quick rundown of the future of HoteiEnergy. For example, what new things are you seeking to bring to life and what will it mean for the overall project?

Hotei in the future has many things to develop and all, absolutely all, are intended to serve as a source for energy development and for the economic growth of people who decide to invest in us within the medium and long-term projects that we have in Hotei are the creation of the subsidiaries:

  1. Hotei Energy Bank: economic management of our returns and profits.
  2. Hotei Energy Factory: manufacture of tools and equipment.
  3. Hotei Energy Technology: development of the artificial intelligence and telecommunications platform for our tools and equipment.
  4. Hotei Energy Lab: for the development and scientific and technological research of new energy sources and the development of the blockchain.
Tell us about your team. Who’re the people behind the screens?

My work team is made up of people with high performance and work experience, each with more than 10 years of experience in the hydrocarbons and energy sector, all graduated engineers with multidisciplinary professional experience in finance, petroleum, geology. , geophysics, petrophysics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, etc. Then I will leave their names and their position to occupy:

Directory Board

  • Manuel Orellana — Chairman & Chief Executive Officer.
  • Carlos Orellana — Vicepresident & Chief Marketing Officer.
  • Nomis Carreño — Chief Financial Officer
  • Danny Rincon — Chief Technology Officer

Global business managers:

  • Luis Orellana — Quality & Organization
  • Jose Delgadillo — Techical Specialist Manager

Regional managers:

  • Aymara Gomez — Middle East & Asia
  • Maria Muñoz — Nort America
  • Pedro Moreno — Latin America
  • Hector Figueroa — Oceania
  • Yennyfer Barreto — Europe
Which partnerships have HoteiEnergy engaged so far, and which ones are the most impactful?

Until now, we plan to make different partnerships with top-level energy operating companies, among our target clients are: ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhilips, Total, Eni, Equinor, Marathon Oil, Repsol, Wintershall, Saudi Aramco, Qatar Petroleum Company, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ONGC, TATA Pedrodyn Limited, CNPC, JAPEX, Ecopetrol, Pan American Energy, Pluspetrol, Petroecuador among others.

In the crypto world we want to work with Binance, in parallel we have had communication with the PixelPlex team and we want to have an important presence in some of the most important exchanges in the world such as Kraken, Poloniex, YoBit among others.

On a more technical side of things, please give us a rundown of your HES stock token.

Our Hotei Energy Share Token is an asset that is part of Hotei Energy B.V. We have to adapt the current infrastructure of cryptoactives to convert our token to a cryptotoken, we could call it a Fungible Token and be able to give it the operation we expect; Users by having these share tokens are automatically beneficiaries of a percentage of profit sharing for the company’s billing, in this sense, we are guaranteeing a person who complies with our KYC that he will obtain real returns equivalent to USD but withdrawable at the moment in Cryptos, these earnings are dependent on the global billing of our company, so although we want users to have free management of it, but its reference value is stipulated according to the reality of the company , This is something that we are studying with our specialists for its implementation and public offer with our different exchanges, since it is essential that the people who enter our market meet certain validation characteristics, we remember that all our capital will be declared to the competent authorities and this is a binding process for Hotei Energy BV for the serious character and commitment we have with our beneficiaries and the world.

The calculations associated with the percentage of participation and consequently the calculation of benefits is related to the following equation:

To calculate the net value to be received for benefits, it is referred to the following equation:

The digital value of Hotei Energy as a company is anchored to the value of the HES share, however this value is expected to regulate itself with the free supply and demand of the market.

If people would like to follow HoteiEnergy on social media, visit your website, or read your important documents like your whitepaper, what links should they visit? Please list them below.

Our website:

Our Youtube Channel:

Our Profile on Facebook

Our Profile on Instagram

Our Profile on Twitter

Updates Telegram channel

Telegram discussion group in English

Direct chat with the CEO — Telegram

Thank you so much for your time! Do you have anything to add before we finish?

We are a project, which is selling a participation share under the figure of a share token, which has the behavior of a company stock or a company share, the difference is that, we seek financing through the cryptocurrency market, with it We are offering any user of the network that approves their KYC and the conditions that are detailed on the page, to invest with us in a range of USD 25 to 9,999.00, this to comply with the financial regulations of the state treasury department. United and the court of financial auditors of the European Union, since all the movements that we make will be declaring to the corresponding authorities, this so that Hotei is not directly or indirectly related to suspicious activities or terrorist financing.

This project has visible faces, something that is unprecedented in crypto, the difference between us and other proposals is that here we are not deceiving or manipulating any of the people, we are showing ourselves publicly and all our profiles with information are open With respect to our professional expertise, we are letting you know that you are investing in a project directed by senior specialists in this area of ​​knowledge, we are not amateurs, nor are we trying our luck, we know that, how, when and where we are going to do things and particularly, this your servant, is assuming the civil and penal responsibility of every penny that enters our coffers.

At this precise moment there are people who have lost more than 234 million dollars due to scams and robberies in the bitcoin network due to fraudulent proposals, I do not say that, that can be obtained in any forum where the subject is discussed, in the crypto world they sell The idea of ​​smart contracts, which pay profits of 40,000.00% for example, super high returns, payments for referrals, payments for other types of schemes that only benefit the first people who invested during the first time and harm the rest, Hotei Energy is a means to an end and with your contribution, I assure you that we will demonstrate that it is possible to conduct transparent business through this medium and that we will exceed the expectations initially raised.

Hotei offers two earning possibilities:

Active: for the purchase / sale of tokens at the value of the HES of the day, which will surely be well above 1 USD.

Passive: for the distribution of income generated by the global billing generated by the services provided by Hotei, this by simply keeping your HES.

In the end, you choose the option that best suits your expectations, in any scenario, we guarantee the success and stability of our project. Thanks.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a source of investment, financial, technical, tax, or legal advice. All of this content is for informational purposes only. Readers should do their own research. The Capital is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information mentioned in this article.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. None of the content on Crypto Folds is investment advice nor is it a replacement for advice from a certified financial planner. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.  
By Press Release February 21, 2025
The crypto world is on the brink of a revolution with PERF , a next-generation utility token that combines advanced artificial intelligence and algorithmic trading to maximize investor profits. Designed by a team of experts in AI, data science, and crypto trading, PERF offers a unique opportunity to capitalize on market fluctuations with unparalleled precision.  A Powerful AI Technology Driving Performance Unlike traditional tokens, PERF integrates a sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithm capable of analyzing market trends in real-time and accurately predicting the future movements of the most popular cryptocurrencies. This cutting-edge technology, the result of years of research and massive investments, has already demonstrated its efficiency with an ROI exceeding 75% in traditional financial markets. An Explosive Profit Opportunity Beyond its revolutionary technology, PERF offers several strategic advantages to investors: Exponential growth potential: With its highly anticipated market launch, PERF could see its value multiply by 100X or more . • An ecosystem of seasoned traders: PERF combines exclusive technology with a community of crypto trading experts to maximize daily returns. Our advanced tools and network of senior traders enable PERF holders to optimize their investments with remarkable efficiency and potentially explosive gains. • An innovative staking system offering more attractive rewards than other tokens on the market. PERF: The ICO Success of 2025 According to numerous analysts, PERF has all the ingredients to surpass Wall Street Pepe and become the top-performing ICO of 2025 . With a unique AI technology, a world-class team of experts, and an aggressive growth strategy, PERF is positioning itself as the next big player in the crypto sector. Join the PERF Revolution PERF is now available for pre-sale! This is the perfect time to buy and secure the lowest entry price before its value skyrockets. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to invest in the future of AI-powered crypto trading. Official website: Follow us on X: @RealPerformAI
By Press Release February 13, 2025
Since trading with crypto is so popular nowadays, we wanted to find out which platforms charge the lowest fees. After all, the less you have to pay the exchange, the more it gets into your wallet. Our research came up with the best low-fee crypto trading platforms, including BYDFi, Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and Check out our review to discover which one should host your next crypto trades while charging you the least amount possible! BYDFi Best for: All-level traders looking for minimal or no KYC, high security, and multiple trading opportunities. Currencies: 400+ Trading pairs: Over 1,000 between crypto, Forex, indices, and commodities Transaction Fees: A 0.1% fee for Makers and Takers in spot trading. The platform charges a 0.06% fee for Takers and a 0.02% fee for Makers in perpetual futures trading. In leveraged tokens trading, the platform charges a 0.2% fee. BYDFi is a leading crypto trading platform offering customers a comprehensive suite of trading options and tools worldwide. It first entered the crypto industry in 2020 under the BitYard name and rebranded to BYDFi in 2023, inviting crypto enthusiasts to a new and unprecedented trading experience.  BYDFi has numerous trading options, including spot trading, futures trading, and leveraged tokens trading. A copy trading service allows inexperienced traders to follow in the footsteps of more successful industry veterans. Furthermore, those who are entirely new to crypto trading can create a demo trading account and use virtual funds to simulate trades using real-time market movements and indicators. The only downside could be that BYDFi does not support staking and NFTs. One of the features that help BYDFi stand out from the competition is its no-KYC policy. You don't need to pass Know-Your-Customer verification to create an account or withdraw small amounts. Instead, the platform requires KYC only when if you wish to withdraw more than 1.5 BTC daily. BYDFi Exchange does not charge fees for cryptocurrency deposits. Its withdrawal fees vary greatly depending on the token, the network, and the amount withdrawn, but they are within the industry average rates. Depending on the traded coin, spot trading at BYDFi incurs a 0.1% fee for makers and takers. Perpetual contract fees include a 0.06% fee for Takers and a 0.02% fee for Makers. The platform also charges 0.2% transaction fees for leveraged tokens separately when buying or selling (USDT). Users with leveraged tokens must also pay a daily management fee of 0.03% of the true value of the leveraged tokens. BYDFi employs some of the highest security standards in the industry. It also supports seamless crypto conversion options and has a quick and efficient mobile application. Helpful customer support, competitive fees, and an overall user-centric approach make BYDFi one of the best low-fee crypto trading platforms in 2025. Binance Best for: Experienced traders looking for high-volume trades. Currencies: 350+ Trading pairs: 50+ Transaction Fees: Maker fee: 0.10% – 0.02%, Taker fee: 0.10% – 0.04%. Fees decrease with higher trading volume. Binance is the world’s most popular and biggest cryptocurrency exchange. The platform is also one of the oldest services in the industry, offering trading opportunities, and it has been around since 2017. Throughout the years, Binance has spearheaded innovation and amassed considerable liquidity to support high-volume trades. Today, the exchange serves over 250 million users worldwide. Binance is well-known for its extensive trading offering of over 350 cryptocurrencies. The platform's high-security level and advanced trading tools maintain it at the industry's apex, despite the exchange facing complaints for lack of transparency in recent years. Another important factor that attracts millions of daily users is Binance’s low fees and trade limits. The exchange charges trading fees that range from 0.01% to 0.1%. This means that new users can start with as little as 0.000001 BTC and a low-risk management strategy. Binance has a mobile app that users can easily install on iOS and Android devices to trade crypto wherever they go. Despite this streamlined approach to trading on the go, many Binance users have complained about the platform’s overcrowded dashboard, which may feel daunting for beginner traders. Binance allows users to trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies on Spot, Margin, and Futures markets. The exchange charges deposit and withdrawal fees that vary depending on the cryptocurrency. So, in a BYDFi vs. Binance confrontation on fees, the former wins since it doesn't charge users for deposits. Binance also charges fees for Spot trading, which apply to regular crypto trading. A Futures trading fee applies only to derivatives, such as Binance Futures. Lastly, users have to pay fees every time they engage in P2P transactions on the platform. Binance will be one of the top crypto trading platforms in 2025 despite security concerns and user complaints. The exchange ensures high-speed transactions, affordable fees, and several trading services. It supports hundreds of cryptocurrencies and possesses tremendous liquidity. However, the platform’s gradual focus on high-end, experienced traders means that beginners will have to look elsewhere when starting their crypto trading careers. Coinbase Best for: Beginners and intermediate traders looking to hone their skills. Currencies: More than 240 digital assets. Trading pairs: Over 300 different trading pairs Transaction Fees: Fees differ depending on the region, payment method, and the user’s pricing tier. Coinbase is another highly popular crypto trading platform and exchange with over 73 million users worldwide. The company was founded in 2012 during Bitcoin's early days. However, the exchange only rose to fame after later expanding its services from San Francisco, California, to over 100 countries. Many users choose Coinbase for its all-inclusive offer of crypto services. The platform lets you buy, sell, and store over 240 digital assets. The most popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, are in high demand on the platform and are the most involved in the platform’s high trading volumes Coinbase is also well-known for its solid security and liquidity backups. In fact, Coinbase is a publicly traded company with USD balances through FDIC-insured banks. This feature enables it to secure the users’ digital funds against security breaches. Nevertheless, the exchange has been the target of several accusations in the past, including a charge by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for allegedly operating as an unregistered securities exchange. In terms of trading, Coinbase is suitable for crypto traders of all skills and knowledge, making it one of the few reliable BYDFi alternatives. Many traders choose the platform for its intuitive navigation and comprehensive educational resources, which are especially helpful for beginners. Trading fees on Coinbase may be consistently higher than on other crypto trading platforms. For example, you may have to pay anything between 0% and 0.6% on your trades, depending on the trade volume and the digital asset you choose. The platform supports you with several market indicators, in-depth analyses, and charts to help you manage your portfolio better. Regulatory restrictions may be some of the biggest downsides of using Coinbase. The exchange is available in many countries, but its services are subject to local regulations and differ from region to region. That’s why users from different countries may have entirely different trading experiences on Coinbase. All in all, Coinbase is a reliable entry in our list of the top crypto trading platforms in 2025. Despite legal controversies and regulatory issues, the exchange maintains a relatively positive reputation worldwide. Its substantial liquidity, security, and large number of cryptocurrencies and pairs make it a prime choice for all types of traders. Kraken Best for: Expert traders Currencies: 300+ Trading pairs: 50+ Transaction Fees: Maker fee: 0.16% – 0.00%, Taker fee: 0.26% – 0.10% (Pro Version). Kraken is another crypto exchange based in San Francisco, California, that offers crypto trading services. The platform is famous for its low fees and enhanced security measures. Over 10 million users worldwide vouch for its top-quality services and advanced trading features. Moreover, Kraken ranks high in liquidity, surpassed only by Binance and Coinbase. Users can rely on Kraken for multiple trading options with over 50 pairs. Newbies may want to remain in shallow waters and stick to the common buys and sells. On the other hand, expert users will choose Kraken for more complex trading features, such as margin trading and futures trading. In fact, the platform is the go-to trading venue for seasoned traders, and Kraken rewards them with a Pro version with some of the industry's lowest fees. Kraken charges transaction fees ranging from 0% to 0.26% per trade. The exchange also takes 3.75% + €0.25 for credit card purchases and 1.7% + $0.10 for online banking processing. Kraken also applies a 3% fee for converting balances less than the minimum order size. Pro version users will have to pay a 0.02% opening fee on margin trades and a rollover fee of the same amount every 4 hours. Those trading futures will have to pay anything between 0% and 0.16% as Makers and between 0.10% and 0.26% as Takers. Kraken also charges Pro users to trade stablecoins, pegged tokens, and FX pairs. Depending on the coin and trading volumes, these fees range from 0% to 0.2%. Many traders choose Kraken for security reasons. In fact, the platform has never suffered a massive security breach, due mainly to a consistent improvement of safety standards. While it remains a reliable crypto trading venue for all traders, Kraken makes our list thanks mostly to the low fees that Pro users enjoy. Best for: All-level traders who prefer mobile crypto trading. Currencies: 350+ cryptocurrencies Trading pairs: Over 400 pairs Transaction Fees: Fees differ depending on the trading volume. closes our list of the top low-fee crypto trading platforms in 2025. The exchange launched in 2016 and quickly gained global use and popularity. Today, boasts over 80 million users and is available in over 90 countries. is a popular platform for trading crypto mainly due to its high liquidity and robust security measures. The platform provides basic and advanced crypto trading features, including margin, spot, and over-the-counter (OTC) trading. Besides crypto trading services, attracts users with its digital ecosystem, which includes a blockchain, a native token (CRO), a mobile wallet, and a versatile range of tools and resources. The company also provides users with a crypto Visa card that they can use to process cryptocurrency payments. The card is accepted by over 60 million merchants worldwide. Crypto trading at is rather straightforward and accessible even by beginners. The platform charges competitive fees that vary greatly depending on the traded volume. For example, employs a seven-tier fee system in Spot and Margin trading. Level one involves a Total Spot Volume of less than $10,000. In this case, Makers have to pay a 0.2500% fee, and Takers are charged a 0.5000% fee. The fees decrease gradually until the 7th tier, which involves a volume equal to or larger than $10 million. In this case, Makers don't have to pay a fee, while Takers pay a 0.5000% fee. also has a VIP program whose members enjoy discounted fees. The exchange does not charge users for deposits. However, it will apply fees on all withdrawals. These charges vary depending on the coin, network, and volume. Overall, is a reliable platform for trading crypto. Its fees are not the lowest in the industry, but they are not deal-breakers either. The exchange enjoys global appreciation for its business-oriented approach with banking features, advanced trading options, and far-reaching support for multiple assets. Among the downsides of using this platform would be the below-par customer support and its unavailability in the United States, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, and the United Kingdom. These are the top low-fee crypto trading platforms in 2025. This year, we should see a significant increase in crypto trades, and each of these platforms can provide you with an unmatched crypto trading experience. Choose the one that best suits your level, experience, and strategy. More importantly, remember to do your due diligence and consider risk management options before engaging in crypto trades.
By Press Release February 12, 2025
QDVI (QDV) is changing real estate investment by bringing luxury properties to the blockchain. Investors can now own shares in high-end hotels and premium apartments through tokenization. This model lowers the entry barrier to luxury real estate, making it more accessible.  The ICO launch gives investors a secure and transparent way to invest in real estate-backed digital assets. Token holders can earn passive income, stake tokens, and refer others for commissions. The funds raised will help build a 5-star hotel in Kudowa-Zdrój and expand QDVI’s global property portfolio. Tokenized Real Estate: A New Investment Model QDVI allows investors to own fractions of high-value properties. Tokenization simplifies the process and adds liquidity, unlike traditional real estate investments. Here are some key highlights on this newly born project: Lower Entry Costs—Investors can join with small amounts instead of large capital. Blockchain Security—All transactions are recorded on an immutable ledger, ensuring transparency. Passive Income—Token holders earn from staking rewards and rental profits from QDVI properties. Sustainable Approach—Properties use eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems. This hybrid model merges traditional real estate ownership with modern blockchain advantages. A Growing Community of Real Estate and Web3 Enthusiasts QDVI offers multiple ways to earn and engage with luxury real estate investments, making it rewarding and accessible for everyone. With as little as $100, investors can stake QDVI tokens to earn passive income from rental profits and property profit-sharing. The platform also features a referral program. The system offers 10% commissions in USDT or USDC for bringing in new investors, with instant payouts and complete transparency. Token holders enjoy multiple exclusive perks with this project. The benefits include discounted stays at QDVI properties, VIP privileges, priority booking, and access to exclusive events. Global Expansion and Future Plans QDVI is building a 5-star hotel in Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland, as its flagship property. The roadmap includes acquiring luxury apartments in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Future plans focus on: Expanding real estate holdings in prime global destinations. Enhancing sustainability with green building practices. Increasing liquidity through token trading options. With blockchain transparency and secure investment structures, QDVI offers a new way to invest in luxury real estate. About QDVI QDVI is a blockchain-powered real estate investment platform. It enables investors to own shares in luxury hotels and apartments. The $QDVI token provides staking rewards, profit-sharing, and exclusive perks. Through secure blockchain technology, QDVI makes high-end property investment accessible, transparent, and rewarding. QDVI's tokenomics mentions a total supply of 50,000,000,000 QDV coins. Nearly a third (30%) of the supply will go to the ICO. The rest will fund development, the presale, marketing efforts, and more. The project's ICO is a way to join the growing QDVI community and approach its vision to revolutionize real estate investment. Anyone curious to learn more about QDVI can check out the project's official website and the social pages below. X (Twitter) | Telegram
By Press Release February 11, 2025
SwissRx Coin has announced a plan to transform healthcare finance and supply chains using blockchain technology. The project streamlines payments, reduces costs, and addresses the critical issue of counterfeit medications by creating a transparent, secure infrastructure for the pharmaceutical industry.  The World Health Organization estimates that counterfeit drugs pose a serious threat to global health. SwissRx Coin’s blockchain-based solution tracks each product from manufacturing to distribution, preventing harmful counterfeits from entering the supply chain and ensuring the authenticity of medications. SwissRx Coin: Goals and Vision SwissRx Coin aims to solve critical challenges in the healthcare sector through three core objectives: - Combat Counterfeit Medications: SwissRx Coin introduces a blockchain-based traceability system that tracks and verifies the journey of every pharmaceutical product. This protects both healthcare providers and patients from counterfeit drugs. - Simplify Healthcare Financial Transactions: By integrating payment processing into a blockchain network, SwissRx Coin reduces costs, delays, and Transactions between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and insurers are streamlined and secure. - Increase Transparency and Trust: Blockchain’s immutable ledger records every transaction and movement in the supply chain, promoting regulatory compliance and building trust across the healthcare ecosystem. Key Features of SwissRx Coin SwissRx Coin leverages advanced blockchain technology to create a secure, efficient, and transparent solution for healthcare transactions. Key features include: - Secure and Transparent Supply Chain: Each transaction and product movement is recorded on the blockchain, allowing healthcare providers and regulators to verify product origins and authenticity. - Fast, Low-Cost Transactions: Payments are processed instantly with minimal fees, making global healthcare transactions more efficient. - Eco-Friendly Operations: SwissRx Coin utilizes energy-efficient blockchain technology through Proof of Stake (PoS), reducing carbon - Swiss-Standard Compliance: Built on Swiss precision and trust, SwissRx Coin adheres to strict regulatory requirements. - Decentralized Staking Opportunities: Investors can stake SWRX coins and earn passive rewards, contributing to the platform’s growth and adoption. Stake here: - Global Reach: The platform supports international transactions, connecting suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors Combatting Counterfeit Medications Counterfeit medications cause significant harm worldwide. SwissRx Coin’s blockchain technology provides an unalterable, traceable record for each product’s journey, from manufacturing to distribution. This prevents counterfeits from entering the supply chain, improving patient safety and trust in healthcare services. Healthcare providers can scan product IDs to verify legitimacy before distribution, ensuring patients receive only authentic medicines. Why SwissRx Coin is a Strong Investment Opportunity SwissRx Coin addresses urgent needs in the global healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors with its innovative, blockchain-powered solutions. Key investment highlights include: - High-Impact Industry: The healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors require financial and supply chain modernization. SwissRx Coin offers cutting-edge technology to meet these demands. - Unique Value Proposition: SwissRx Coin streamlines payments while enhancing global healthcare safety and compliance through robust traceability solutions. - Real-World Application: The platform provides solutions for both financial transactions and product authentication, positioning itself as a leader in healthcare’s digital transformation. About SwissRx Coin SwissRx Coin is a payment and pharmaceutical traceability platform for healthcare, based on blockchain technology. It stops counterfeit drugs by recording crucial product data, which healthcare providers can scan to verify authenticity. This ensures that only safe medications reach patients. SwissRx Coin integrates payments into this system, enhancing security and efficiency. With quick transactions, eco-friendly operations, and strict regulatory compliance, SwissRx Coin provides reliable solutions for healthcare providers, professionals, and patients worldwide. Anyone wishing to know about the SwissRx Coin project can view the website of the project. The social media platforms (listed below) have the most updated information and updates about the development of the project. X (Twitter) | Telegram
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